ABYSS Web Server


The software described and available for download in this site is the last open source version of Abyss Web Server: In 2001, Abyss Web Server became closed source and subsequent versions were and continue to be published by Aprelium Technologies (a company founded by Abyss Web Server's original author).

So if you are looking for the modern releases of Abyss Web Server, please visit http://www.aprelium.com/abyssws.

Otherwise, feel free to download and use Abyss Web Server 0.3 under its modified BSD type license terms and condition.

 What is it? 
 Who wrote it? 
 How to help? 

 Latest release 
 Older releases 


 Mailing list 

 Change log 
 To do list 



For UNIX systems:

  • Untar/Ungzip the distribution package with a command like tar xvfz abyss-x.y.tar.gz
  • Edit the Makefile src/Makefile to meet your system requirements.
  • Go to directory src and execute make.
  • The server binary is generated and stored in the bin directory.
  • Edit the conf/abyss.conf to reflect your system configuration (At least change the paths).
  • Goto to the bin directory and start the server by typing ./abyss -c ../conf/abyss.conf

For Win32 systems:

  • Unzip the distribution package.
  • An executable file is already present in the bin directory.
  • If you wish to recompile the server, open the src/abyss.dsw file with Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 or higher and rebuild the project.
  • Edit the conf/abyss.conf to reflect your system configuration (At least change the paths).
  • Goto to the bin directory and start the server by typing ./abyss -c ../conf/abyss.conf

Copyright © 2000 Moez Mahfoudh. All rights reserved | Hosted by SourceForge Logo | Last Modified: Feb 22, 2001