ABYSS Web Server


The software described and available for download in this site is the last open source version of Abyss Web Server: In 2001, Abyss Web Server became closed source and subsequent versions were and continue to be published by Aprelium Technologies (a company founded by Abyss Web Server's original author).

So if you are looking for the modern releases of Abyss Web Server, please visit http://www.aprelium.com/abyssws.

Otherwise, feel free to download and use Abyss Web Server 0.3 under its modified BSD type license terms and condition.

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Latest version is 0.3

UNIX Package:

UNIX package is a source only distribution: abyss-0.3.tar.gz (31 Kb).

Win32 Package:

Win32 package is not available but you can extract source files from the UNIX package and compile them on Windows without any modification. (Sorry for this inconvenience: I have no Windows machine now to compile the program and to test it. If someone can do that, please email me the zipped package and I'll add it here).

Copyright © 2000 Moez Mahfoudh. All rights reserved | Hosted by SourceForge Logo | Last Modified: Feb 22, 2001